ICA Members Agree to Strengthen their Relationships and Increase Visibility During the General Assembly in Cologne, Germany

Brussels, 28 April 2023 – The International Confectionery Association (ICA) held its General Assembly and Conference on Global Issues on 25 April in Cologne, Germany, during the ISM, the leading global trade fair for sweets and snacks. The ICA, committed to fostering collaboration and growth within the industry, announced plans to restrengthen the ties between its members and reenergize its cooperation and visibility on the world stage.
The International Confectionery Association brings together the major confectionery sector associations from around the world to work collaboratively on issues affecting the sector. Together they represent thousands of companies across all sectors of the confectionery industry from sugar confectionery to chocolate manufacturing, and from gum to fine bakery products. Its current members are ABICAB (Brazil), the Australian Industry Group (Australia), CAOBISCO (Europe), CCAJ (Japan), FHCP (Canada) and NCA (USA). ICA has been active in the fields of international trade cooperation, technical and regulatory affairs and public affairs in the past.
During the General Assembly, ICA members and companies, discussed several global issues affecting the confectionery industry and received presentations from industry leaders. Beth Johnson of Food Directions, LLC, Charlotte Opal of Earthworm Foundation, Farida Mohamedshah of NCA, and Eleonora Alquati of CAOBISCO shared their insights on topics affecting the confectionery sector, from global nutrition and regulatory issues to sustainability challenges.
The General Assembly gathered Muriel Korter, President of ICA and Director-General of the European Chocolate, Biscuit and Confectionery Industries (CAOBISCO, Europe), John Downs, Vice-President of ICA and President and CEO of the National Confectioners Association (NCA, USA), Timothy Piper, Vice-President and Head of the Victoria Australian Industry Group (AIG, Australia), Andrea Ferrari, Foreign Affairs Manager at Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Chocolate, Amendoim e Balas (ABICAB, Brazil) and Aldo Cristiano, President of CAOBISCO.
The ICA remains committed to supporting the growth of the confectionery industry and collaborating with its members. “ ICA must serve as a forum where leading confectionery representatives can identify issues of common interest affecting the industry and develop actions if necessary. It must serve as the international voice of the confectionery industry to address the increasing challenges facing the sector. We are delighted to have met again after such a long period and I am thankful for the interesting and constructive exchanges between members who all expressed their enthusiasm to make ICA stronger,” Muriel Korter, ICA President, stated.
Press Release available here.
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